Project: PhrasesHub introduction

Even when one thinks in English, it doesn't guarantee fluency or that one will sound like a native speaker. To me, one of the most expressive ways to communicate is through the use of phrases and idioms, as they convey rich meanings in just a few words, somewhat acting as memes.

Since I got quite fed up with crypto, I decided to jump on the hype train and try to make use of democratized AI, particularly locally deployed LLMs and StableDiffusion.

Much like how I missed the Ethereum "smart contract" revolution, I soon realized I was late to the AI party. But I suppose it's all relative; for some, Kotlin is still a new language, and for others, crypto is synonymous with drugs and money laundering.

Introducing My New Project:

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Ubuntu 20.04 on Lenovo t480s

Recently I've upgraded my setup and got Lenovo T480s with all max configuration(Intel i7-8650U) and additional 32Gb RAM

TL;DR: everything works really well on Ubuntu 20.04, 40Gb is just enough to run modern web applications. But in 2020 it's probably worth to consider modern models of computers and next generation CPU. Conclusion: while performance is good the design was upsetting

In this post I'll share some observations after a week of use for work. As a reminder I'm a backend and Android developer mostly focusing on JVM stack

What is GOOD

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Discrimination by OS

It's hard to be in minority. I wonder how many people even thought that there is a discrimination by OS?

People who born before 1990 might remember that message from the beginning of millennium "this website requires Internet Explorer" to run. That time minority (macos, linux, bsd, solaris) had to run a virtual machine with Windows just to access some websites. No kidding.

Nobody liked it, people felt oppressed and that caused a very strong emotional feedback for Microsoft. Having no other options we managed to use internet and Windows-only focused hardware. As a Linux user I remember those conversations with macos users - we all were in the same boat. We were "pricks".

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Project Update: PronounceMe – implementation details

I have several post about the PronounceMe project experiments - automatic video and voice generator for English learners. If you missed previous posts please review #pronounceMe for more information about the project, ideas behind and some statistics. In this post I'd focus on the technical implementation with some diagrams and noticeable code snippets.

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Functional Kotlin part 4: collections manipulation

This is a part 4 of the #kotlin-showoff series and it's going to be about the standard functions over the collections(mostly iterables to be precise) allowing developer to express data modification in the clean and functional way.

General convention

Although one might think that kotlin has inherited all the base collection types from the Java it's not quite true. Kotlin transparently maps existing Java collections into the Kotlin by using some tricks such as typealiasing. Collections hierarchy in Kotlin make code even more safer by imposing separation between mutable and immutable data structures. Take a look on the interfaces diagram:

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Dynamically typed languages are selling snake oil

I truly believe they are

I hear the same statements and misunderstandings over and over again from people who like dynamically typed languages. Obliviously, that spikes a lot of endless conversations and fights between two camps.

Generally, I'm avoiding conversations about static vs dynamic typing but every once in the while I drifted into that and hear the same statements, all the time. Often both sides just aren't able to listen to each other and thus conversation end up in the dead end.

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JavaScript vs logic

In programming world we are working with logic. Everything relies on it, it's a fundamental part of computers.

If we do 3+4 we always expect to get 7. Call to createDatabase shall not destroy database. As experience grows developer grasps more and more concepts and approaches because of the past experience and logic. It's very important part of programming ecosystem which helps to grow skill set without getting another Masters degree or attending classes/courses

People ended up with very common concepts and gave them names - algorithms, design patterns, data types, naming conventions.

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Nexmo Voice API demo: voicemail app

This article features voicemail service built using Nexmo Voice APIs and Spring Boot

As a business owner it's not always easy to handle huge volume of calls 24/7. On another hand each customer is important and it deserve to be served well.

To kick off development you can checkout demo repository

What to expect in this tutorial

In this tutorial we build simple voice mail forwarder where callers asked to leave a voice message which will be sent to the email using Nexmo Voice API as an attachment.
Example of result:

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Flying to/from London?

London is the one of must to see places in the world. It has long history and always been an important economic center. Well, if you landed to that page you're already consider trip here.

UK is an island, hence there are not so many options to get here. I'm sure you are going to take a fight to London. Other options do exist but they either time consuming or quite expensive

Here is a good news: London has 5-6 airports(technically only two, other are just outside of London metropolitan area). These airports accommodate enormous flights all over the world reaching pretty much all possible countries on all continents. As a hub for many low cost carriers such as Ryanair, easyjet, Norwegian, etc it is possible to find tickets as little as £5-10+ for European destinations and £150+ for North America

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Про айфон


Текст написанный ниже не только от линуксоида но и от андроид разработчика, который волею судеб и личным интересом пользовался iPhone 4s на протяжении месяца

Добро пожаловать в ад

Я буду стараться быть выдержанным и на сколько это возможным, объективным. У меня почти поломался мой основной телефон Sony - это было хорошим поводом попробовать этот иноземный айфон за котором энтузиасты встают в очередь и продают последние почки.

Дисклэймер 2: Я не буду осуждать скорость работы потому что это 4s и очевидно(за некоторыми нюансами) iOS в целом тут не причём. Хотя тормозит он как не в себя. Мало того, в текущем проекте мы наелись проблем как iOS-паблишеры(эти те кто пишет и выгкладывает приложения в App Store), поэтому некоторые комментарии буду связанны с этим опытом, о котором 99.999% пользователей не имеют представления

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