Another year has come to end and it means it's the best time to look back and take a snapshot of things happend.
Things have changed a lot since my last update
Delivering things – from code to product
Quickie posts when I’m lazy
Another year has come to end and it means it's the best time to look back and take a snapshot of things happend.
Things have changed a lot since my last update
1. This article is about JavaScript - the language happen to become a runtime for many types of applications.
2. TypeScript, CoffeeScript, *Script have nothing to do with JS, this post is not about it.
3. As many of you I'm also a JavaScript developer. I'm not addressing to anyone personally, the post below is just my opinion about technology
4. If you're happy with any technology and it helps to archive the business goals - I can be only happy for that!
Big claim, isn't it? Well, I'm sure I have a right to say that. I've been using suffering from JavaScript in last 10+ years. Really, I can't remember anything good about this shit language since I started to make money on programming being freelancer. I'm not mean, I just had enough. And please, don't take this article personally, you're not a programming language you use.
It means I'm not genius and I can't and wouldn't keep whole program code and it's complicated flow and branching in my head. I'd rather delegate this boring work to computer and focus on business logic as much as I can. I'm certain, there are about 2.5 really good developers who can write good code in javascript. But probably they don't as they are busy talking on conferences ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I had a talk "Data Mining Toolbox" in University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain organized by meetup group "Data Science Santander" on November 9th, 2017
It was my first public presentation on this topic where I accumulated some my experience in html data extraction and processing.
Following my first talk about writing safe code in kotin at London Kotlin Meetup #2 I recently had one in Saint-Petersburg. It was organised by Spb Google Developers Group, namely by Oleg Makarov. Event took place in the most appropriate place - place where kotlin was born - Jetbrains "Universe" Office at Vasilyevskiy island (it's not kotlin island as someone might think :D).
It's been 1.5 years since I started to learn Spanish on duolingo. Unfortunately I lost my previous streaks a few times due different reasons excuses so I started it over.
I want to share some of my feelings and thoughts about that milestone.
I have already written a few posts about duolingo and how I'm happy with a way it helps me to learn new language, in me case it's Spanish. Technically I've been learning it for ~1.5 years but unfortunately I fucked up my streak a few times.
I recently visited USA(California) and I want to share some observations about language
Just a reminder - I'm not a native speaker but grew up on American English, thanks to videos, forums, music and podcasts. Nevertheless I'm living in UK and as you can guess English here is a bit different.
During the trip I collected short list of different words which are common in American but not in British English:
While I was finishing wireless scanner and printer server I realised that traditional document scanning approach is not so nice from UX point of view.
I really like the way office scanners in multi-functional devices work. Normally if you want to scan you just load stack of paper into and put your email address. Scanner does the rest and in minute you'll get ready-to-use pdf file in your inbox.
I was thinking about having button attached to RPI Zero which initiates scanning and document upload.
2016 год вышел сложным и судя по всему не только у меня. Вообще в конце года появился какой то тренд в этих ваших интернетах собирать что было плохого в уходящем году. Но какие-то позитивные итоги подвести все таки надо - еще один год позади как никак
Шутка для нердов про сложный 2016 год:
В феврале этого года я взялся за испанский с помощью duolingo. Если кто то вдруг не знает - это сервис для изучения языков. Я бы сказал он именно для
Помимо этого на дуо очень забавные фразы и дискуссии, читатели моего твиттера наверное уже устали от скриншотов с дурацими фразами в духе "My sister thinks she is normal, but I do not / Mi hermana pequeña piensa que es normal, pero yo no" - зато очень легко запоминается