Kotlin Presentation – GDG Reading Meetup @ Spaces, Reading 21 Feb 2019

Just returned from meetup where I had a talk about kotlin language - "Why Kotlin? Why now?"

The talk took place in Spaces, Reading on 21st of February 2019 and was organised by Google Developer Group Reading, namely by Chris Guest and his team.
In this talk, I highlighted reasons for learning one more language, guided through most noticeable features. In the second part, we had a live demo - kwitter REST web server.

I found people there were very friendly, it feels like they know each other for a long time. Really nice atmosphere and good vibes!

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JavaScript vs logic

In programming world we are working with logic. Everything relies on it, it's a fundamental part of computers.

If we do 3+4 we always expect to get 7. Call to createDatabase shall not destroy database. As experience grows developer grasps more and more concepts and approaches because of the past experience and logic. It's very important part of programming ecosystem which helps to grow skill set without getting another Masters degree or attending classes/courses

People ended up with very common concepts and gave them names - algorithms, design patterns, data types, naming conventions.

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Flashback: links2 browser in modern web

Some of us still remember natty command line browser called links2. Personally I used it quite a lot when system broke again after minor update of linux kernel or rebuild of gentoo. Nowadays most of linux updates happen smoothly and don't require us to serarch for fix in text terminal without running X server. But it was very different 10 years ago

Let's see how modern website look like in links!

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Nexmo Voice API demo: voicemail app

This article features voicemail service built using Nexmo Voice APIs and Spring Boot

As a business owner it's not always easy to handle huge volume of calls 24/7. On another hand each customer is important and it deserve to be served well.

To kick off development you can checkout demo repository

What to expect in this tutorial

In this tutorial we build simple voice mail forwarder where callers asked to leave a voice message which will be sent to the email using Nexmo Voice API as an attachment.
Example of result:

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Flying to/from London?

London is the one of must to see places in the world. It has long history and always been an important economic center. Well, if you landed to that page you're already consider trip here.

UK is an island, hence there are not so many options to get here. I'm sure you are going to take a fight to London. Other options do exist but they either time consuming or quite expensive

Here is a good news: London has 5-6 airports(technically only two, other are just outside of London metropolitan area). These airports accommodate enormous flights all over the world reaching pretty much all possible countries on all continents. As a hub for many low cost carriers such as Ryanair, easyjet, Norwegian, etc it is possible to find tickets as little as £5-10+ for European destinations and £150+ for North America

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My podcasts subscriptions feb 2018

Every once in a while I publish list of podcast I listen, so you might find something interesting
I do listen podcasts literally every day - in the gym, while walking, on bus, on lunch breaks. I'd say podcasts give me about 80% of all news and help me to discover new things, not only in technology. It's a massive source of information which doesn't take dedicated time anlike books or blog posts

Some time ago I switched playback speed to 1.2x, it was a bit unusual in the beginning but brain has adopted to that quite fast and now I don't really feel any discomfort. On another hand I save 20% of the time for other episodes. I found funny effect - after this speed people seem to speak very slow :D

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JavaScript must go (ASAP)

JavaScript it's a cancer of modern software development industry

1. This article is about JavaScript - the language happen to become a runtime for many types of applications.
2. TypeScript, CoffeeScript, *Script have nothing to do with JS, this post is not about it.
3. As many of you I'm also a JavaScript developer. I'm not addressing to anyone personally, the post below is just my opinion about technology
4. If you're happy with any technology and it helps to archive the business goals - I can be only happy for that!

Big claim, isn't it? Well, I'm sure I have a right to say that. I've been using suffering from JavaScript in last 10+ years. Really, I can't remember anything good about this shit language since I started to make money on programming being freelancer. I'm not mean, I just had enough. And please, don't take this article personally, you're not a programming language you use.

I'm a normal developer.

It means I'm not genius and I can't and wouldn't keep whole program code and it's complicated flow and branching in my head. I'd rather delegate this boring work to computer and focus on business logic as much as I can. I'm certain, there are about 2.5 really good developers who can write good code in javascript. But probably they don't as they are busy talking on conferences ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You cannot avoid JS

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