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Pi-Hole and DNS-over-HTTPS using docker-compose

I'm glad that people started to think about the privacy more than ever

In this post I'll share my experience of configuring pi-hole and Cloudflare DNS-over-HTTPS on Raspberry Pi using docker-compose. Before we dig into the configuration a few words what it's all about

UPD: Post has been updated with newest version of pi-hole

DNS-over-HTTPS(aka DoH)

It's a protocol allowing internet users to retrieve IP information about the internet website(perform DNS resolutions) using a secure connection to the DNS server which supports DoH.

So why is it important?

I hope I won't surprise you that your internet provider really wants to know what you're visiting. For different reasons - for statistics, for advertisement, to collect your data, inject advertisement, etc. In 2020 most of the internet websites are working via HTTPS. That means providers can't change and see information sent between your computer and remote server because it's encrypted. Even better - internet provider can't hijack into your connection, and for example inject advertisement or install malware.

The problem is, before your computer connects to the server the domain needs to be "translated" into the IP address and here we have an issue. Classic DNS designed to be really quick and some tradeoffs had been done. For example DNS traffic can be hijacked, or DNS cache poisoning can be performed. Those attacks which can't guarantee that your computer talks to the genuine server even it's using HTTPS.

Unfortunately, DNS hijacking is not only "hacker" thing, many internet providers and "big brother" type of systems often use those techniques to gain something valuable. Checkout post about Virgin Media UK-based ISP doing those nasty things.

Ok ok, I'm scared. What is the solution?

If you trust, for example cloudflare(you need to trust somebody!) then it's possible to use their DoH service. Read below to learn how to make the whole network use it

pi-hole - sink for the advertisement

Pi-Hole is a community-led project which basically provides a dns server with a blacklist of the advertisement domains and nice web interface to manage it. No magic there - it simply takes your DNS requests, checks if the domain is blacklisted and if it's not - forwards request to the upstream DNS server of your choice.

I have it enabled only against web crypto miners and popunder-type advertisement

Cloudflare DNS-over-HTTPS + pi-hole = ❤️

What a great friendship! Pi-hole will carefully filter advertisement domains and route all requests into the cloudflared DoH server. Having docker-compose file makes it work literally in a few clicks.


Get this docker-compose.pihole.yml file:

version: "3"

    container_name: cloudflared
    image: visibilityspots/cloudflared
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: pi-hole
    image: pihole/pihole:v5.0
    restart: unless-stopped
    hostname: pihole
      - "80:80/tcp"
      - "53:53/tcp"
      - "53:53/udp"
      - "/config/pihole:/etc/pihole"
      - "/config/dnsmasq:/etc/dnsmasq.d"
      - "/dev/null:/var/log/pihole.log:ro"
      - DNS1=''
      - DNS2=''
      - IPv6=false
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - WEBPASSWORD=admin
      - PIHOLELOG=/dev/null
      - "printer.mynetwork:"
      - "router.mynetwork:"
      - NET_ADMIN

    driver: bridge
       - subnet:

Params to note:

Fire it up!

➜ eval $(docker-machine env myrpi)  
➜ docker-compose -f docker-compose.pihole.yml  up -d

That's it.
Soon you'll be able to access http://your_router_ip./ and see welcome message from the pi-hole

And the last step:

💥 Just a reminder: since your network now depends on the raspberry make sure it's always on otherwise nobody in your household will have Internet access :)

Done. Sleep well without worying that your internet provider is intercepting or hijacking your DNS internet traffic. From the point of view of ISP you suddenly stopped accessing all Classic DNS, it's because you're using DoH

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